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If you know me, you will know my only aim is the create represenation in my projects. From books and roles to films. Today, a close...

Movements - An Extract

They start off with me falling. Each and every time. I am falling for a long time before I hit the ground. I feel hands reach out and...

Galaxy - An Extract

The flames of the fire dance around, continuously burning through the wood and paper, competing with each other to see who can do the...

The 5th Generation

We live in an era where we can access films, shows and books in any part of the world through our phones and other devices. We have come...

The Film Industry

The film industry has many opportunities. People in the film industry have worked incredibly hard to get to where they are today. This is...

Manchester Film Festival

Every director and actor has to start somewhere. They have to get themselves out there and the best way of doing so is the submit their...

Doctor Who

After the news that the 13th Doctor was going to be a woman, we took to the streets to find out what the general public really thought of...

Who's That?

"Who's That" is a two minutes short that leads up to a mystery person being revealed. For this short, I had to create a narrative for the...

Great Power, Great Responsibility

My fanzine, ‘Great Power, Great Responsibility’ is a direct reference to one of the most famous Marvel quotes. The full quote was too...

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